Vitaly Mansky: There’s something wrong, and I want to understand what it is.
Dominika Tarinová
When the filmmaker has an answer to everything, he only presents his certainty. I’m being vague about the film I’m

Exploring the Power and Pitfalls of First-Person Documentaries
Magda Kopiec
Exploring the Power and Pitfalls of First-Person Documentaries In the world of documentary filmmaking, the first-person approach has sparked both

A City in Darkness: My Winter in Wartime Kyiv
Dominika Tarinová
I come from Slovakia, a country neighboring Ukraine, and I’ve been visiting Ukraine regularly since 2014. Because of this close

Direct Cinema vs. Cinéma Vérité
Magda Kopiec
Direct Cinema vs. Cinéma Vérité: Capturing the “truth” in Documentary Filmmaking In the 1960s, two distinct documentary filmmaking styles emerged,